Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts medal


Exceptional piece of history.

Col. Alexander Marsh Ferris, prominent in Civil War- who once commanded Ancients

Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts medal

1 in stock


The extremely fine, extremely rare and extremely attractive and historic  Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts commemorative medal for the Visit to England in 1896. The medal bears the legend A & H.A.C. 1638 above and the tour venues MARLBOROUGH HOUSE, WINDSOR, FINSBURY, ALDERSHOT 1896 on scroll below. The medal is stamped 14K (14 carat gold).

The reverse bears the legend – Presented by the London Committee of the A. & H. A. Co, Compliments of Lt. Col. A.M. Ferris.

Col. Alexander Marsh Ferris, prominent in Civil War- who once commanded Ancients, was an extremely interesting and important character. A veteran of the civil war who took part in the battles of Baton Rouge, Port Hudson and Donaldville, and led the line of skirmishers which opened the fight at Plains Store. He was wounded at Port Hudson.

The visit was widely reported in many newspapers including the Illustrated London News – Saturday 04 July 1896 along with an image in The Graphic July 1896. There is much reporting of the processions and parades culminating to meeting Queen Victoria. The detail of the tour or UK and Europe is extensively reported.

His Obituary appeared in The Boston Herald Saturday, Mar 08, 1919

Retired Merchant Was Long Active in Military Matters
Col. Alexander Marsh Ferris, veteran of the civil war and retired dry goods merchant, who had long been active in military affairs, died yesterday at his residence, 87 Washington street, Newton. He was in his 80th year. He was born in Whiting. Vermont.. on April 6, 1839, descendant of a military family, his ancestors having served in the Colonial, French, Indian, and revolutionary wars. He attended public schools in Lowell, and began his business career as a book-keeper and salesman.
Lt. Col. in Civil War
When the civil war broke out he enlisted and became captain of the 30th Massachusetts volunteers, and as provost marshal was with the 1st division of the 19th army corps, on the staff of Maj.-Gen. William H. Emory. He was wounded at Port Hunter and sent home on furlough in 1864: He then recruited the 7th Massachusetts volunteers, becoming captain and lieutenant-colonel. He was in business in Chicago from 1868 to 1889, and in that period was senior captain of the 1st regiment of the Illinois national guard. In 1889 he came to Boston, making his residence in Newton. In 1890 he joined the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, and took an active part in its affairs, serving on the committee which arranged for its visit to England. In 1900 and 1901 he was commander of the company. He had been commander of the E. W. Kinsley post, G. A. R., president of the Veterans’ Association of the 30th Massachusetts volunteers, and commander of the Sons of Veterans. He was a member of the Loyal Legion, the Society of Colonial Wars, the Society of Sons of the Revolution, and was a 32d degree Mason. He belonged to the Newton Club.
On Jan. 17, 1861, he married Emma Jane Fowler of Boston. Mrs. Ferris, who survives him, has been a leading member of the Massachusetts Society of Daughters of the Revolution. He leaves also son, William Marsh Ferris, and a grandson.

A 14 carat  gold and enamel neck badge, unsigned, full-length figure of artilleryman left, holding pike. The medal is stamped 14k, with dimensions 64mm x 38mm, overall weight 14.60g.

A second obituary features in The Boston Globe Boston, Massachusetts Fri, Mar 7, 1919

NEWTON. March 7. Col Alexander M. Ferris of 87 Washington st, Newton, died today at the age of 80. Funeral services will be held on Sunday at 2 p m at his residence. Col Ferris was prominent as a Civil War veteran, as a member and one-time commander of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston, and as an enthusiastic member of Masonic orders. Alexander Marsh Ferris was born in Whiting, Vt, April 6, 1839. His father was Robert Hammond Ferris, a farmer and contractor. After attending the public schools at Lowell, Mr. Ferris learned bookkeeping, and when the Civil War broke out was keeping books for an importing house on Franklin st, Boston. In 1861 he raised a company and was attached to the 30th Massachusetts Regiment as senior captain. He remained with the regiment until it came home, and he served also as provost marshal of the 1st Division of the 19th Army Corps, on the staff of Maj Gen William M. Emory. After returning from the war he assisted in forming the 7th Massachusetts Regiment, of which the old Boston Tigers was the nucleus. In November, 1864, he was elected captain of Co A, and in November, 1865, was commissioned lieutenant colonel of the regiment by Gov Andrew. In 1874, while living in Chicago, he was active in the organization of the 1st Regiment, Illinois State Guards, and was senior captain of that organization. In 1889 Col Ferris came back to Boston. In 1890 he joined the Ancients and was elected sergeant under Capt Hichborn. Col Ferris resided in Newton and was vice president of the Newton Club. Other organizations with which he was affiliated are the Military Order of the Loyal Legion; Edward W. Kinsley Post 113, G. A. R.; the Society of Colonial Wars, and Sons of the Revolution. He was a 32d degree Mason, a Knight Templar, and was president of the Veterans’ Association of the 30th Massachusetts Volunteers. Col Ferris’ record in active military service was marked with deeds of bravery. He took part in the battles of Baton Rouge, Port Hudson and Donaldville, and led the line of skirmishers which opened the fight at Plains Store. He was wounded at Port Hudson.

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