The 11th & 13th Hussars Medal Group medal group of Private Albert Winn
Albert Winn was born Glastonbury, Somerset and he was an 18 year old baker when he attested into the 13th Hussars in September 1895. The regiment sailed on the Montfort and Templemore, and arrived in South Africa in the beginning of December 1899 in time to be present at the battle of Colenso. He was place on reserve for 11 years from 1902 to the outbreak of World War One. QSA medal roll confirms this single clasp (Relief of Ladysmith) medal.
He served in the Cape from 10th November 1899 to 8th July 1900. Keeping his original service number of 3604 he entered France 15th August 1914 with the 11th Hussars serving until placed Class Z 4th February 1919.
Medals – Queen’s South Africa medal with Relief of Ladysmith clasp (3604 Pte. A. Winn. 13 / Hussars), 1914 Star (3604 Pte. A. Win. 11/ Hrs), British War Medal (3604 Pte. A. Winn. 13 Hrs), Victory Medal (erased) swing mounted.